Articles, essays and books Sixtus IV and the Artist of the Papal Court: Melozzo da Forli, Slovo, 2022 [Ru] From Hiroshima to Moscow: Wakana Kono Bridges Art and Culture, Art Focus Now, 2025 Ekaterina Muromtseva, a Russian Whistler in Japan’s Northern Alps, Art Focus Now, 2024Nikita Kadan grapples with ghosts of the Soviet past in Japan, Art Focus Now, 2024Alexander Ponomarev: Captain of the Arts, Art Focus Now, 2023Yulia Skogoreva is Changing the Optics of Female Sumo in Japan, Art Focus Now, 2023“Russian on the Japanese contemporary art scene”, Art Focus Now, 2022 “In Search of Heaven”, Garage Museum, 2020 [Ru]“A Serious Approach”, Dialog Isskustv, 2019 [Ru]“Godzilla and the Coronavirus”, Strelka Mag, 2020 [Ru]“From Workshop to Academia: Russian Contemporary Art Education”, Russian Art Focus, 2019“Who’s on first base? Instruments for art market analysis”, Kommersant, 2019 [Ru]“A Vaccine Against Cynicism”, Russian Art Focus, 2020“How the group ‘Ball and Cross’ got everyone to buy contemporary art on Facebook during the pandemic”, Strelka Mag, 2020 [Ru]For academic articles, visit my page on